
Some Rise By Sin, Some By Virtue Fall. ~ William Shakespeare ~

Saturday, October 30, 2010

About This Blog

All I have seen, experienced, felt, read, heard and realized in life has been shared here.   This is purely a personal blog.  My Diary. 

Why my blog is called 'Mayapur Leela' ?   Because from what I have realized in life, the universe as we see it is nothing but illusion ( Maya ).  Billions or trillions of years ago it might not have existed, and one day it will vanish completely.  From the computer I am typing on now to the stars and planets, everything is perishable.  Nothing is permanent.  That which is perishable, changeable and not permanent cannot be called 'truth' in broader sense.  God is the only Truth.  Everything else is false or illusion.

So we are in kingdom of illusion or MayapurLeela is a Sanskrit word meaning to enact part of a drama on a stage.  Everybody is busy here acting out his/her leela just for survival.  So, living in a kingdom of illusion we are performing our leelas with the false knowledge that everything  around us is permanent and we're here to stay forever!   So, I thought it will be interestingly meaningful to call my blog "Mayapur Leela".

From photos to music to quotations produced or reproduced here are of my personal liking, which may or may not be the case with you.  In other words, it is just telling the world what I personally like and admire.

My good fellow blog owners will do me a great favour by linking my blog to their sites.
Hope you enjoyed my blog.  Thank you for visiting my blog.  Do keep coming back.

Much Gratitude.   Much Appreciation. 

Date created this blog: October 30, 2010  

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