
Some Rise By Sin, Some By Virtue Fall. ~ William Shakespeare ~

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Shahnaz Hossain

Shahnaz Hossain ~ Beauty Queen

If you are a street vendor selling tooth paste or powder, you must have your own teeth sparkling white.  People will see first at your your teeth, and if impressed, then consider to buy your product.   It is called common sense.

Shahnaz Hossain herself is beautiful and glamorous ; if she sells beauty products people cannot ignore. They will ultimately become her customers.

It is an irony that a Muslim woman would popularize the thousands year old Indian system of  facial beautification formula all over the world.  Ayurveda, the ancient Hindu system of medicine, is well-known and widely used in the world.  Chemical beauty products do harm to the skin.  Ayurvedic beauty products, made of shrubs, extracts from leaves and roots of wild plants, do no harm. 

This is the main 'publicity line' various pharmaceutical companies nowadays are cashing on. Look at any ad on TV or newspaper, "sampurn" Ayurvedic  formula  is the assurance they make on their products from toothpaste to syrup to facial creams. Such is the faith of people on Ayurveda, which is the most ancient system of medicine known to mankind.  Modern science has failed at least in this field to gain people's confidence.
Shahnaz Hossain was first to discover this truth about people's dislike for chemical beauty products. In fact almost every woman on earth would like to be 'naturally beautiful' and not 'artificially beautiful'.   Since Ayurvedic beauty products are made of natural ingredients, which promise no harm to your soft skin, people are bound to be attracted to them.

How much she has studied the original Ayurveda and how effective is her Ayurvedic beauty products to turn your facial skin to glow like the moon is not known to me, but the word 'Ayurvedic' is helping to sell her products like hot cakes.

She is already reported to be worth more than $100 million  in 2002.  She will be remembered to have used an ancient knowledge to greatest effect than anybody else on earth to be rich and famous. 

*sampurn = meaning in English 'completely'

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