
Some Rise By Sin, Some By Virtue Fall. ~ William Shakespeare ~

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bangladeshi Songs Page

Momtaz is very popular playback singer of Bangladesh.  Most of her hit songs have themes of  rural setting..  She is actually common man's singer.  They find her songs most entertaining because in the lyrics of her songs they find their everyday agonies  and lighter moments of rural life.  Song writers are clever to cash on her popularity among poor rural people.  They write songs for her in a deliberate way  so that  it can touch their hearts.  Tell their story through her songs.  Upper class Bengalis may reject her songs as rustic, erotic but the poor, working class love them so much.   Since poor outnumber the rich in this country, her songs sell like hot cakes. Numbers matter.  She is undoubtedly most valuable public entertainer in Bangladesh today.

Enjoy the following Bangladeshi song "Nantu Ghotok" by Momtaz :

Watch Bangladeshi song "Khairon Lo.." , another big hit by Momtaz

Very very popular Bangladeshi song "Ratna Lo..."

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