
Some Rise By Sin, Some By Virtue Fall. ~ William Shakespeare ~

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mad Max

I have read somewhere a newspaper report which  expresses concern about how UK nukes could go off like popcorn accidentally.  Should this happen, what would be the picture ? Wide-spread devastation ( fire tenders will be of no use ) and most of UK destroyed without trace of life.

It is a mad and bad world. So many countries have piled up so many nukes for what reason ??  What justify this madness ?

They argue that it is for self defense or as a deterrence.  But logically one country would never need thousands of nukes to defend itself or destroy another country given the capacity of destruction of modern nukes. Only a dozen will be more than enough for such heinous act.

In fact ever since its invention, the nuclear weapon has been a curse on entire  mankind.

Evrey child born today enters into this highly risky world.  How  unfortunate they are.

Whether present generation could live to see it or not, it is almost certain in future the WW-3 will broke out and it will be fought over oil or food for sure.  And then these thousands of nukes are bound to be used and we mankind will mutually agree  to destroy ourselves. 

Actually nuclear weapons are WMD ( weapons of mutual destruction ).

Serious efforts should be initiated by major world powers to ban this weapon world wide and destroy the existing stockpile in the entire world.


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